Estraya: Your New Top 8 Band (ATXMP Showcase Artist)
Ryan Rayle (00:01.563)
What is up everybody? Ryan, ATX Metal Podcast. We have fucking made it.
Ryan Rayle (00:14.584)
my God. So instead of starting at 12 p.m. Central Standard Time on a Saturday, we were only an hour and seven minutes late, but we have been through some struggles. I personally recorded about peak struggle just for my own personal benefit. going to I like to see struggle, but then I like to see success, progress, right?
I am here, I am joined by members of the band Estraya who are one of the showcase artists for December 7th. Individually, are you? See, I'm just, I'm out of my rhythm, I'm out of my rhythm. Long story short, we had technical difficulties like a motherfucker. My whole ass computer did a bios and firmware update, did not even know that needed to happen, but maybe that's what made
all of this come together. But introduce yourself, where you're from, who you are, and what position you play in your band, and then we'll just go from there.
Estraya (01:18.59)
Yeah, my name is Travis case. I'm the lead vocalist of Estraya I'm originally from Arizona and When I initially got my singing experience it was kind of in choir and high school and whatnot kind of an advanced choir group and Yeah, I'm to be a part of the squad now
And my name's Danny, I play guitar. I started the band with my brother in 2020. Been playing guitar since I was nine years old. Self taught, don't know any music theory.
Ryan Rayle (02:02.99)
Perfect. Perfect. I'm also self-taught in the podcast world. I don't know about podcast theory. It probably exists in some liberal arts degree somewhere. But real quick, is there any way that you guys can bump the gain on your mics a little bit? OK.
Estraya (02:20.93)
Yes. How much? that fit? Check, check. OK, cool. Awesome.
Ryan Rayle (02:25.592)
There you go. Perfect. Yeah. All right. So. Now that we have all of the struggles behind us, now we get to celebrate. since Danny, since you said that you started the band, for those that do not know your music, your sound, your history, let's let's go on a little journey. Let's just let's just figure out who you guys are and where you guys came from.
Estraya (02:38.532)
Let's go.
Estraya (02:52.57)
Alright, well, I started learning guitar around nine years old and I started learning, me and my brother, my brother plays drums and he also started young like at eight. He started like on pots and pans and stuff and then my dad bought him a little kit and then eventually my uncle gave him his tamo that he worked for from the 80s, tamo superstar I think. So.
Me and him would just jam together a lot. And we actually learned old school, like metal, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, stuff like that. That was our favorite kind of music at the time. And then my dad's best friend had a kid who was one of our best friends and he plays bass. So we're like, don't you just play with us? And then we just started playing a bunch of Iron Maiden songs, but he was younger than us. So he'd be like,
Ryan Rayle (03:30.133)
Ryan Rayle (03:43.267)
Estraya (03:50.328)
eight years old with a bass that was almost the same size as him. there's videos of us on YouTube playing like Iron Maiden songs when we were teenagers. so, yeah. So we kind of evolved from that to after high school getting into more alternative Nu metal stuff, just experimenting with everything. Did a lot of hardcore stuff, like just everywhere. All different kinds of metal music, just whatever. And then...
Ryan Rayle (03:59.886)
Let's go.
Estraya (04:20.172)
My brother showed me Dance Game and Dance and I was like, this sucks. And I really hated it.
Ryan Rayle (04:27.15)
I'm over here nodding my head because I thought that next answer was not going to be that. I am a fan of early dance, Gavin. I haven't heard or paid much attention to their newer stuff, but I'm not saying one should not. haven't made that journey. OK, so you think so. DGD sucks.
Estraya (04:37.309)
Estraya (04:43.172)
Estraya (04:52.206)
Estraya (04:55.618)
Wait, okay, hold on. No, no, no, let it, let them finish. I'm allowed to finish. Sucked. And I'm like, these screams sound terrible. I hate the lead vocalist, but then like after being forced to hear it in the car with him, my brother over and over again, I just started thinking like, wait, why is this guitar player like one of the best guitar players I've ever heard in my life? And then I was like, damn, this is actually really, really good. And then.
Ryan Rayle (04:57.806)
So, okay, hold on, okay.
Estraya (05:25.378)
I got really into them and I got obsessed with them. And then with the genre, the post hardcore genre, cause I wasn't really familiar. I was coming from slipknot and corn and stuff. So I was like, what the heck is this world? So I just went and listened to everything like follow Troy, Hill, the sun, a lot like birds, just crazy. And then we started going to shows. started kind of, well, the band stuff started during COVID.
Ryan Rayle (05:25.662)
Estraya (05:54.564)
Cause me and my brother were bored. We kind of stopped playing at that time. We weren't really doing anything. but then he would just get bored and he would start playing drums and I would go in the room. We lived together. So it made it really easy. I would just go in and start jamming or writing random stuff to whatever he was playing. And then it evolved into songs. And then we were like, we have something. So then we just started playing and then we started looking on Craigslist for,
people to help us out.
Ryan Rayle (06:28.47)
Every time Craigslist is mentioned, it gets the air horn. I'm sorry. It just, it's dude, Craigslist, where are you at? Where are them back channels?
Estraya (06:32.232)
There we go. Yeah.
Estraya (06:39.223)
Yeah. So yeah, he wasn't quite sold on the progressive post-hardcore thing at first, but I guess it grew on him and he definitely got a craving for it. so that's kind of where they're, I mean, these guys have been playing together since they were 11, 12 years old, you know, as far as him, his brother, the drummer and the bass player, they've been playing together since they were kids.
And that was kind of like, it was a big selling point for me as far as joining is the fact that these guys have been playing together since day one, you know? And I mean, it's an honor to like be a part of it so far. So super stoked.
Ryan Rayle (07:19.88)
and for those listening, I know that there's some... after this comes out, but the audio is going to hit first. You noticed a different person talking there. That was Travis, the new vocalist.
Estraya (07:31.983)
my god. Yeah, yeah. I'm so confused. Okay.
Ryan Rayle (07:38.31)
Sorry, sometimes I gotta check myself. Anyway, so we've got basically a very solid foundation that's also family. And I know you said that you guys live together as well. So just like writing music was just like, hey man, I've got this idea. Bloop. So what was it about?
Estraya (08:02.522)
Mm-hmm. That's just how it went.
Ryan Rayle (08:07.586)
the guitarist from DGD that made you just like, and I really appreciate you saying that you didn't like it. You're like, what is this? This is madness. And then the more you listen to it, you're like, wait a minute, this is not madness. This is actually, this actually makes sense. Cause it's just so, it's so chaotic, but it's also so together. I've heard at
Estraya (08:26.468)
Ryan Rayle (08:34.51)
pretty much everything that you have posted on Spotify. And I want to talk about 411. I actually ran 4.12 miles today just for you guys. In celebration of the new track 411. let's talk about the new music. I have this.
Estraya (08:54.106)
That's what I'm talking about. That's dedication right there. I love that.
Ryan Rayle (09:01.964)
Whenever I was like, what am I going to, you I woke, I typically don't, I don't know. I just run whenever the moment strikes. was training for a marathon, but now I can't make it. So it's not that I've given up on the marathon dream. I've just not, I've stopped training for that. now anyway, long story short, I like to run and listen to music and I play locals at the beginning of the run and just see where it takes me.
And I started out with your guys new song, 411. that was, boy, that was a wild ride. I was not ready for that playlist that hit me because post hardcore is, man, there is a lot going on in there in the sound. So let's just talk about the new single, 411, and then what we got to look forward to coming up.
Estraya (09:54.747)
I just want to say that the reason why we chose post hardcore and not another genre is because I like how diverse it is. Like you can have jazz chords and then all of a sudden it goes into like a full halftime breakdown. It's just, it's really fun to play like as a musician. So that's the reasoning why I chose that genre. It's really fun to play in. But 411, that song was actually
one of the very first, well, it's not the very first song, but it was one of the early songs. But
Ryan Rayle (10:29.592)
So was a back burner song?
Estraya (10:32.058)
Kind of. Kind of. Well, I wrote it in like 2021, I think. The inspiration for that song came after we went to a party and some stuff went down. So it just inspired us to write about that. I don't want to get into details.
Ryan Rayle (10:33.101)
Ryan Rayle (10:50.287)
Hey, you are allowed to say as much or as little as you want. No pressure.
Estraya (10:55.51)
Okay. But it's a crazy, it was a crazy story, but you can, if you like look at the lyrics, you'll kind of get an idea of what it's about. Yeah. And, the kind of, way that we kind of work together is, and what's so cool as me as like a lead vocalist and songwriter is, I'm not doing all of the lyric writing. have someone who can also song write, which is Danny here and he's a great songwriter.
And I think we work really well together. think we compliment each other really well with the songwriting. But what's funny is about this 411 track is when I was in my previous band, I had heard him on BandLab. I heard that 411 track on BandLab like a couple years ago and I was like, damn, this riff is super catchy. Sorry, were you going to say something? Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (11:51.126)
Yeah, sorry. just what is what is band lab for me? I don't know what that is. But for people that are like, what the fuck is band lab?
Estraya (11:56.351)
Yeah. Yeah. It's just pretty much like a website where you can upload songs. It's kind of like SoundCloud, but for bands, I guess.
Ryan Rayle (12:08.874)
It's like SoundCloud and Craigslist had a baby.
Estraya (12:12.346)
There you go. ear, ear. Yeah, yeah.
Ryan Rayle (12:14.89)
yeah, sorry.
Estraya (12:19.022)
yeah, so, so, I, I didn't know what it was either, but, I had no idea what it was myself, but, I, I had heard that on a band lab through a mutual friend and, and, was like, damn, this riff is super catchy. And then just hearing that whole, instrumental track with like, without vocals, was like, dude, I need it. And this was actually, mind you, this was a year before I even joined. I heard this and I was like,
Ryan Rayle (12:27.256)
Ryan Rayle (12:44.706)
Estraya (12:46.276)
dude, I need to be on that. You know what I mean? I was like, I just already, you know, I have my eye on it and I was like, and this was well before I even knew I was going to be a part of Estraya. And I, yeah, I just felt, I felt drawn toward it immediately after hearing kind of a, just the instrumental version on BandLab. But, but yeah, pretty, a little, piece of history there.
Ryan Rayle (13:09.454)
So how did you go, okay, so what I think is really cool is that a friend of yours or an acquaintance of yours basically introduced you to their music, right? Simply off of a riff on some website that.
Estraya (13:23.544)
Yeah, that's correct.
Estraya (13:28.57)
Yeah, they knew each other through mutual friends and he's like, yeah, know this guy in Houston. And I was in Austin and showed me the band lab and I was like, shit dude, yeah, let's go. I was just feeling it. The first time that we met Travis was actually at one of our shows. He came to see us with his former band at the time. So he saw us and then his band...
Ryan Rayle (13:43.598)
Ryan Rayle (13:51.52)
I'm sorry.
Estraya (13:57.292)
Yeah, so this mutual friend actually was a member of my previous band. Well, we'll it that they tried to recruit me for their band. And I was like, I'm coming. Dude. But I got it.
Ryan Rayle (14:01.176)
Ryan Rayle (14:04.622)
Plot twist, you're coming to ours.
Estraya (14:09.9)
Listen, what would this like, would it be post hardcore without a little bit of drama, right?
Ryan Rayle (14:14.932)
I know, right? I feel like I feel like that story belongs and don't take this in any way. Just the first thing that comes to my head is just some like some like high school senior level drama where it's like, you like, he's with them. He's with, he went to go see them play and he's still with us. What the what? No.
No, I want to know, get him back up like, man. Yeah, just the whole season. Like it's just simmering on the edge. Like, like the season wraps. It's like, will Travis come back or will he go to the new band?
Estraya (15:01.718)
Yeah. On Dragon Ball Z.
Ryan Rayle (15:04.627)
my God, I'm sorry. I may be making this out to be a lot more than it is, but man, I am, I am, I'm just happy that we're actually having a conversation.
Estraya (15:13.178)
It's kind of, I think your reaction's a little bit appropriate, right? I don't know much about the drama that happened between them. I would say so. All that happened was that he was available and he's like, can I try out? I was like... He's like, well, what he said was, cause I mean, we had kind of worked together a little bit before and he's like, man, cause they were so essentially their previous vocalists had to move and...
Ryan Rayle (15:17.078)
Estraya (15:40.182)
And he was like, hey, we're, they kind of posted on Instagram, like, hey, we're having auditions. and so I, it was the craziest timing. mean, the stuff that went down with my previous project and then, them needing a new vocalist happened within, I'm talking the same week. was, it was within the same week. So, I saw that post and I was like, yo, like, are y'all still, you know, and,
Ryan Rayle (16:00.142)
All right.
Estraya (16:07.65)
He was like, man, wouldn't even audition you. I've seen your songwriting. We've played shows with you before. Like, let's get to work, you know? Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (16:16.896)
so you just insta-
Estraya (16:20.718)
Well, I knew like, I've heard him before and I felt like his voice would just be a perfect match for like our style, what we were going for. So I already knew that he would fit in like right away. So.
Ryan Rayle (16:28.44)
I got you.
Ryan Rayle (16:32.782)
So you, so did you, did you know him? I mean, obviously you knew, like you've seen him, but did you guys talk previously? I know, cause you said you guys played together, right?
Estraya (16:43.636)
well, we played a show together in Austin at a Rio. It's a Rio market. It's like literally a. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (16:50.446)
you played at the fucking Rio market? What, dude? OK, so for everybody, OK, if you're joining, if you've just time chimed in, I don't know how you would land at this moment in time, but or if you fell asleep at the wheel, then welcome back. We're here with Estraya and and we're just learning about the real. I did not know you guys played the Rio market. And for those that don't know,
Estraya (17:08.378)
Welcome back.
Ryan Rayle (17:19.626)
It's a legitimate like convenience store in Austin that randomly that throws like pop-ups and, dude, I had, me about that. I want to know how you booked it and, your experience because that's a, that is, I feel like that's a, not only a true Austin experience, I feel like that's also something that needs to be done more of.
Estraya (17:34.433)
Estraya (17:39.489)
Estraya (17:43.714)
Yeah, no, absolutely. It's kind of one of those, what the fuck is up Denny's moments where you show up and, and, and, you know, there's this guy, Rick that runs the place, really cool guy. And I kind of got in touch with him through Instagram and, and hit him up. was like, man, that would, that would be an experience, you know, like literally just like moshing and throwing snacks at each other and stuff like.
Ryan Rayle (17:48.12)
That's it.
Estraya (18:06.924)
Like, let's freaking go. And then like, you know, if you're tired, dude, go fucking grab a Monster. I don't know what to tell you. Like, yeah.
Ryan Rayle (18:12.556)
Right, yeah, you could you could you could refuel mid set and just be like I'll hit you at the checkout
Estraya (18:17.37)
100 % or you could, you know, grab a sixer and go outside with it. Listen, I don't, you know, what do you decide to do with it outside? That's not our responsibility, but, Hey, I saw lot of that going around. Like, I don't know the rules down there. Cause well, you're probably, you're not supposed to. Well, I'd saw everybody just walking around with drinks in their hands. Yeah, we're a hundred percent drinking outside.
Ryan Rayle (18:27.896)
Estraya (18:47.296)
at all. So I this is crazy. another thing for you listeners about Rio Market is it's just north of UT. it's like a walk away from campus. We're pretty much like around campus. It's pretty much on campus. So like we're around a bunch of college kids and stuff. that's another cool thing about it. yeah, basically like my previous band and Estraya, we
played a show together and yeah. We had met prior to that like I said but that was really cool. Yeah, yeah. For sure that we played. And not even sounding biased but like I heard them they played before us but I was like bro they sounded like I'm sorry but they sounded cleaner than like every band that played that night so I was like damn you know.
Yeah, no, no metronome, no in-ear monitors, bro. They're just dialed in. mean, part that kind of comes with the territory of growing up together. together for so long. We know, like, we don't even have to look at each other. If there's like, if Andrew's going on a crazy drum fill, I'll know when he's going to end it. yeah. Yeah, they're just dialed in. But yeah, that was a cool experience. It was cool.
Ryan Rayle (19:51.864)
Estraya (20:12.376)
We were playing and there was people just like walking by getting snacks and drinks. was fun. And they look so dumbfounded like what the fuck's going on here? the heck is going on?
Ryan Rayle (20:15.822)
Dude, it is...
Ryan Rayle (20:25.774)
So I didn't know that that actually happened for you guys. I think that's great. So one of the reasons why I wanted to bring you guys on is A, I wanted to kind of mix up the lineup a little bit because it's just, know, heavy is heavy, heavy is heavy, right? Like you can, you can chug and do breakdowns and you can do, you know, and this is not a slight at all the other.
fucking heavy ass bands like God Hand and Reign and Future Ghost and Dogma and you know, like in the list goes on, right? I mean, Tibetan Sky Burial and dude, this lineup is, makes my heart warm and also fucking cold at the same time. you guys, it seems that post hardcore is very popular in the like 20 to 30 range. Cause I've looked,
Estraya (20:57.998)
Now we love them, they're awesome.
Take a card. Yeah.
Estraya (21:13.267)
Ryan Rayle (21:22.07)
I don't really stare at my demographics much because I don't do this for the clout. I don't do it for the money, which is absolutely fucking zero. All right. I don't make anything from this. This is just fun. Which is, which is I feed off of that energy from, from local bands, right? Because the grind for local bands is so tough and you need moments like the Rio markets and you need moments like playing together, but not in the same band.
Estraya (21:33.689)
Ryan Rayle (21:51.998)
And over time, it's like, Hey, we're still here doing this thing, making music for people because a, we like it B they like it and C it's just fucking cool to do stuff like that. but, adding you guys to the mix is definitely like, I I'd have to go back into the conversations and like how we even connected with each other, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with, found your music through the algorithm or it just got, it just got pushed to me somehow.
Who actually, who am I talking to on Instagram? Is that you Danny?
Estraya (22:25.451)
on the Estraya account as me, yeah.
Ryan Rayle (22:26.936)
Yeah, okay, I gotta, I'm have to dig around and see how that happened. But once I-
Estraya (22:31.576)
Well, I think you communicated with Travis. Yeah, yeah. Derpster, that's me. Yeah. Yeah. Very millennial. I made that in like 2012, and I'm like, hell yeah, I'm keeping that.
Ryan Rayle (22:34.744)
That might have been it.
derps. That's right. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (22:48.93)
You're like, yes, we have found the way. But no, I remember when I heard the music, was in for me. It was fun. It was like there was a lot of energy in it, even even with the old vocalist, regardless of why the switch out, right? Like I think that listening to 411 and the old stuff like it, it still has like that vibe, that feel and
I'm really looking forward to like what you guys have going forward. Actually, let's move on to that. Like what is in the pipeline for you guys in terms of music, music video, shows, stuff like that.
Estraya (23:32.378)
So for music, we have one more single, think. We're trying to do a five song EP. Do like April next year? Yeah, April or May we'll basically be putting out a five song EP. It may or may not be kind of spring themed because all of, I mean, we've got so much in the pocket. That's another thing is like they,
have so many songs ready to go. Yeah, just ready to go. basically just lyrics and lyrics and melodies. And so me and Danny kind of take the reins on that. But yeah, so this one coming up, the five songs that we've selected have a sort of tone to them. They're they're very bright sounding is one way I would describe it. Yeah. So it'll be a kind of spring, I will say, like
Ryan Rayle (24:07.458)
Ha ha.
Estraya (24:31.532)
Yeah, summery, like spring sort of EP. But yeah, that one, I think that'll be super fun. That's going to be a really fun one as well. But there's so much to explore as well. I mean, if we wanted to get a little heavier, darker with it, we could do that too. But as far as what's coming up in the near future, that's what we got going. I'm a big fan of concept albums. So like, I, well,
Ryan Rayle (24:56.462)
Ooh, talk to me. Yeah, let's, okay. I'm ready for this conversation.
Estraya (25:02.666)
Growing up with Iron Maiden, almost all their albums have themes to them. So I just love that. I think Dance Game and Dance Kind does the same thing. for the EP, I want to do that summer vibe thing. And then I plan to do a utopian future craziness for the next one. But that's probably like...
Ryan Rayle (25:28.695)
Holy s-
Estraya (25:30.072)
really far away. Yeah, almost like sci-fi, like futuristic kind of shit. We have a song called InstaFollower and it's supposed to be about like a house, it's like in the future where social media gets so crazy that people just start forming cults based on social media. So that song's gonna be fun when that comes out. Another one called Young Digital. That's a really fun, more futuristic one as well.
Ryan Rayle (25:58.936)
Okay, let's I I need to get that I forgot to ask this how old are you guys?
Estraya (26:04.438)
Yeah, I'm actually I'm 31 28
Ryan Rayle (26:06.958)
Okay. Okay. So I'm 41. So we're a decade apart. But I, so the, the, the lyrics, not the lyrics, the music that you're creating, like Insta follower, right? Like that. I mean, granted we, I, we, know, us, us, old folk. We got to see, man, I feel so lucky, but like also so sad at the same time because
we got to see social media in its infancy when it was, when, when it actually was doing what it was built to do, right?
Estraya (26:46.91)
100%. And I understand that like, obviously each generation is going to be sort of biased toward themselves. I mean, truly, I think there really is something special to say about the fact that we kind of grew up with a mix of, you know, putting a tape in the VCR and like, you know, putting in it or putting in it even a DVD to like watch a movie. You actually had to do something, you know, you're actually right. Yeah, of course.
Ryan Rayle (26:53.144)
Estraya (27:12.6)
You know, there's all this and that's what's kind of cool about the modern age as well as you kind of get to hop in like a time capsule on Instagram and watch these sort of reels that like bring you right back to the past, which so I, you know, the modern age isn't a hundred percent bad. It's cool that it can bring you back to the past almost, but no, truly though, to your point about, you know, being able to like doing what it's meant for.
Ryan Rayle (27:17.784)
Estraya (27:40.894)
you know, I had, I was definitely big on my space, which was, how I discovered, mean, man, that's my space for the kids. Yeah. Yeah. My dude, was literally the best social media platform in existence.
Ryan Rayle (27:53.74)
Hold on, actually, so I've never thought about it like this until just now. you know when you had to, okay, so for everyone that doesn't know about MySpace, A, fucking go look it up. B, you missed out completely. mean, Tom, bro, where are you at? Like, come on. Like, I f-
Estraya (28:12.451)
Big time big time
Estraya (28:17.104)
Where you at? mean, he's,
Ryan Rayle (28:19.488)
I feel like everyone is going to just be like, fuck meta, bring back my space. It's almost like threads. it's that, it's that look like for me threads is nothing but artists and bands and, and, it's, it's almost, it's almost curtailed to my liking. I would, and I would like to ask other people what their threads look like because mine is literally nothing but music related stuff because it came from my Instagram account. Cause it's all meta.
Estraya (28:24.814)
Estraya (28:38.073)
Ryan Rayle (28:48.962)
But MySpace, MySpace, what you had full autonomy of, like you were building web pages. And so I just, it's like three things. Yeah, we were coding before we knew what coding even was. You're like, I want this color, FF3F4655 done. And then your background just instantly changed. And I really don't think that, that.
Estraya (28:49.155)
Estraya (28:57.878)
Unbelievable. Yeah, we were taught how to code. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (29:14.946)
especially people I would say in the 30 ish to 40 ish range really knew like what we were fucking with and how, and if we would have stuck with it. I mean, one of my favorite was I had this baby with a tattooed knuckle that was like, fuck this. it was, I can't remember, but I just remember a baby with tattoos on his knuckles. I was like, that's my background. That's my, I'm standing on this hill.
Estraya (29:27.342)
Estraya (29:39.354)
Ryan Rayle (29:42.316)
I'm dying with this thugged out baby. You know what I mean?
Estraya (29:43.514)
Hell yeah. Just something about it, yeah. I think the biggest thing about it for me was the profile songs and you kind of got to showcase your personality a lot and I remember when I first got on Facebook, I was like a sophomore in high school I think and it was like 2009 and I first got on Facebook and I was like, dude, where's my profile song? What the fuck is this? I was so pissed. I was like, dude, fuck this, dude. I don't like this at all. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (29:52.174)
See? That's yes!
Ryan Rayle (30:05.624)
Ryan Rayle (30:11.17)
Because that because that helped other people know more. You can learn. And this is one of the things that I've gathered over the time of the 10 years of doing this podcast. And again, and I don't know if you guys know this story, but and for those listening, if you're if you're new to the podcast, thank you very, very much for for for even stopping by. If you get to see this portion, that's all I care about. Right. But I want
I want people to know that we're just here to just share these experiences and learn from each other and be in a room together and all that jazz. But when you went to and like, bro, when you went to someone's MySpace page, you could tell so much about them by their music, like so much. It's like what's like, what is the number one? What? Because you also had a top friends list, right? Top five, top eight, top ten. Motherfuckers get bad. Like, what do mean I went to number four?
Estraya (31:05.378)
man that would
Ryan Rayle (31:10.306)
What the fuck, Devon? Like, come on. Sorry.
Estraya (31:10.926)
Insane. Insane. We were so unhinged back in the day, but we were somehow better off mentally. And that goes back to take high school, or when I was in high school, for example, even when Facebook was big, we weren't doing any of that until we got home and got on the computer.
Ryan Rayle (31:20.898)
Yes. Yes.
Ryan Rayle (31:37.966)
Estraya (31:39.256)
We lived our lives and looked each other in the face and texted using T9 and stuff. It's just a different time.
Ryan Rayle (31:46.99)
Bro, hold on.
Ryan Rayle (31:53.294)
I gotta give a personal shout out to the T9 textures. I'm not even gonna tell you where to find that shit. That's OG. God damn. You put me in my feels like your music, man. God. God, dude. don't know. We could just end the conversation there. Like, I'm fulfilled.
Estraya (32:06.326)
I don't know.
Estraya (32:11.598)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Estraya (32:18.99)
But I mean, I was going to say I will another shout out to my space just for introducing me to like all those fucking bands I got into like the mid 2000s, like metal core and post hardcore, like under oath, the devil worse Prada, like Emerald.
Ryan Rayle (32:36.93)
Bro, the devil wears Prada is back and they keep playing HTML rules, dude. That is literally a song about my space. That's about HTML rules, dude. it.
Estraya (32:44.344)
Exactly. See?
Estraya (32:53.395)
We've really come full circle, man. It's crazy. Crazy. And, you know, yeah, that's, I mean, I've heard this from a couple people where everyone says that you develop your musical taste at the age of 13. Like, that's when you develop your sort of personality with music. At least it was true for me because all of those bands that I was into, like, seemed, I'm like, dude, this shit bangs.
Ryan Rayle (32:56.086)
Woo! I love it. I love it.
Ryan Rayle (33:05.645)
Estraya (33:21.938)
even today, know, like when I was discovering all those bands at age 13, like I remember I had Lemon Meringue Tie by DGD is like my space song, like, you know, or like some bless the fall song or something like that was, yeah, man. We're getting a little nostalgic here, but.
Ryan Rayle (33:30.925)
Ryan Rayle (33:38.37)
Yes. Yes. Good. No, that's and like, Dan, what about you, man? What was what were you into when you were in high school?
Estraya (33:50.572)
In high school, was legit still listening to just Iron Maiden and Judas Priest in Metallica.
Ryan Rayle (33:54.904)
He's like, he's like, was I was I was still back in the 80s, bro. Like I was I was doing it.
Estraya (34:03.096)
The core of this band, all three of us, were just straight up Iron Maiden all the time. And I hated everything else. Like, I was not open at all. But it's kind of crazy because after high school, I started listening to everything and now I'm just like, classical music, I like it, jazz music, let's throw some country in there. And I like, well, there's like a weird country vibe going.
Ryan Rayle (34:11.214)
Ryan Rayle (34:20.291)
Estraya (34:28.602)
through music right now, just like everybody's doing it. And I don't know if you've heard Bill Murray, but his new album is awesome. I love that.
Ryan Rayle (34:29.631)
Yes, thanks Ronnie
Ryan Rayle (34:37.23)
Bill Murray is, I'm not, I'm aware of his music and I can't name any of the songs or albums, but that's par for my course. Like I also can't do any of that except for a very, very elite few songs and, and bands that are just core to my upbringing and making, I can't, I can't, hell, I can't name half the music that I hear here locally in Austin, Texas. I know the bands, but I don't know any of their songs.
I mean, fuck, I embarrassed myself talking to one of my favorite bands down in Santa, San Marcos, Hatewaker. We were, we were talking about some music that had been released a year and some change ago and I thought it had just dropped. I'm like, this music is amazing. What the, where has this been? They're like, bro, we've been playing this live for like a year plus, like, that's my bad. But that's fine. But you know what? But that's the point. It's like you, you fall into love with music.
Estraya (35:28.451)
Amazing. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (35:37.87)
however that may be and at whatever time, right? So what is it? What is, go ahead.
Estraya (35:39.481)
Estraya (35:42.851)
no, I was saying at whatever time exactly like it's wild that Bill Murray's kind of more mature. know, there's a lot of sense of humor in there, too. But it's a lot of love songs and stuff going on. you know, but it's crazy that at least I first heard Bill Murray in Attack, Attack back in 2009 when they were like literally teenagers and I was like getting into them in high school.
Ryan Rayle (36:00.963)
Ha ha
Ryan Rayle (36:12.686)
AC 130. My shit. Chocolate. What's the other one? Chocolate. Hold on. They had some really wild names. I will say that band like I understand that when you name a song that it either it has typically like like there's a reason why. So what are but then there's also the title the name of the song before it gets its name. Do you guys have any of those like it started out this name and
Estraya (36:17.23)
Estraya (36:39.022)
Ryan Rayle (36:42.592)
Now it's not that. All right, so let's do that. Give me one of those scenarios while I look this up, because I've got to answer my own question, but I can't.
Estraya (36:42.891)
yeah. That happens all the time that happens.
Estraya (36:54.938)
We have this one, well, Pulses was like some, we have a song called Pulses and the names changed like three times on that one. But it's been like, it's been like Pulses. I can't even remember the other ones, honestly. But I don't know. feel like a lot of our songs that Danny names, he gets this like image and idea in his head. This is why I love like working with these guys and Danny is like.
Ryan Rayle (37:03.436)
Estraya (37:23.256)
He'll get like, he'll hear the music and I can just tell that the imagination sparks are just flying. Like he's thinking of, you know, different scenarios, like, you know, like, this one's going to be about like an old man and he's trying to like figure out his way through technology and he can't figure it out. Like, and he's just, you can tell he's like watching a music video in his head. You know what I mean? Like when he's, he's, yeah. I'm a huge fan. So I love movies.
Ryan Rayle (37:47.022)
Estraya (37:52.91)
I feel like the songs are kind of like movies in my head, but I'm trying to like write a song track for an idea I have. That's kind of like what our music is. Yeah, and a lot of those are written, like those song names, I feel like we stick with them pretty, like he'll think of like the song name and I'm like, that's just the demo name, right? Like, no, no, that's gonna be like the final name usually is what I've noticed. I like couldn't come up with names for these.
two songs that we had, so I just named them song one and song two. And it's been song two for a little, we played it live and it's still, it's been song two for a long time. And then at one point I was like, let's just put it as song two on the EP.
Ryan Rayle (38:29.07)
Keep it.
Ryan Rayle (38:32.994)
done. Why not? Right? Because I feel like if I were to come across an album and I was looking at all the songs and I just literally saw song two, even if song two was technically song six, I would still understand why it was called song two. And I don't think that a lot of people and actually I would, I think that our audience understands that
Estraya (38:51.236)
Ryan Rayle (39:00.94)
the titles that are presented to them are not where they started. That's that, you know, some, yes, 100%. But when you get that cool little here's song too, right? It's just like, okay, it's not, you know, it's not like some song that has like relevance, you know, actually, yeah, sure. You know, actually, let's let's figure that out. I'm going to look for a song called Relevance. Relevance. Hmm.
Estraya (39:11.438)
Estraya (39:27.25)
There we go.
Ryan Rayle (39:30.506)
It wanted me to spell televangelist? No. No. I don't know.
Estraya (39:33.588)
What? Man. Try chat GPT, man. That shit's crazy.
Ryan Rayle (39:40.622)
Alright, here we go. So I just looked up the word relevance. First hit. I'm not sure how this is gonna come through on your end, but it's by a band called Frank Needs Help.
Estraya (39:53.402)
That's an awesome banding.
Estraya (39:58.872)
Ryan Rayle (40:01.048)
Can you guys hear that?
Estraya (40:02.506)
Yeah, very appropriate for the current date right now.
Ryan Rayle (40:09.42)
I feel like we're getting ready to get hit with like a brie or something. No.
Estraya (40:13.046)
Yeah. So dramatic. Very theatrical horror-esque. Yeah, speaking of which, we played our Halloween show last night, which was really fun. I feel like we didn't even mention that. Yeah, we played a whole...
Ryan Rayle (40:19.531)
What is that?
Ryan Rayle (40:30.35)
Ryan Rayle (40:34.393)
it hit!
Estraya (40:41.911)
Ryan Rayle (40:47.648)
Woo! My God, I wish you had headphones to hear this, my guy.
Estraya (40:56.974)
Ryan Rayle (40:58.144)
I am, I am, I am, nope.
Estraya (41:01.178)
Okay, that went way harder than it needed to. Holy shit.
Ryan Rayle (41:04.366)
I was not ready. I was not ready for that.
Estraya (41:08.514)
That intro was so soft and now all of sudden... Wow.
Ryan Rayle (41:11.628)
Not only was that relevant, I just, I think I just found a new band to talk to, but also the sound, like you said, has relevance to the current time that we're in, and you guys just did your Halloween show. Holy shit. I love when the universe just does what it's supposed to do. Man.
Estraya (41:29.614)
Ryan Rayle (41:44.622)
my god, that's in your house?
Why didn't I just come over? wait, you're in Houston, right? Yeah, I can't really just come over.
Estraya (41:52.674)
Yeah, we're in Houston.
Estraya (41:59.599)
It was a good turnout. It was fun. We played like 10 songs. Yeah, something like that. we, most of us were in, yeah, no, we all had costumes. was a plague doctor. He was Mike Wazowski. No, sorry, Soli. Yeah, he was Soli from Monsters Inc. Andrew was a grandma. I just love-
Ryan Rayle (42:05.24)
Damn, 10 songs?
Ryan Rayle (42:23.926)
Estraya (42:24.77)
You know what, there's just something special about a house show during Halloween when everyone's in costume. It's amazing.
Ryan Rayle (42:32.344)
How shows, I would love, I would love to actually like put on almost like a circuit. There's like this,
Okay, so there's this punch card for Texas for barbecue. You can go around and go to all these different barbecue joints and you can get a stamp or a sticker. I can't remember what it is, but I've always thought about, and every time I sit here and have a conversation, one of my favorite house shows that I've ever been to was by a band called No Life Kings. These absolute animals from the mid teens.
I think like 2016, 17 timeframe here in Austin, Texas. They were just, man, such a breath of fresh air. But they threw some wild house parties, bury the rod, rest in peace, which actually I think there's a bury the rod 2.0. I've heard some rumors, but that's, that should be fun. But I feel like there should be like a house tour circuit. like house party and DFW happens here.
House party in Houston happens over here. You know what I mean? Like a weekend run, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I don't know. I don't know. It's just an idea that I've always had in the back of my head. Like if it could work, how? But anyway.
Estraya (43:44.036)
Yeah, that'll be awesome.
Estraya (43:54.206)
Organize it. I it's possible. love it. It's my house. Yeah, we threw it ourselves or yeah. The single coming out and we're like. Well. I was I was actually searching for some because I remember last year, like I went to a house party in Austin and there was like some indie bands playing, like I was going to try to get us.
Ryan Rayle (43:57.656)
So how did you guys get on a house party?
Ryan Rayle (44:02.882)
you... He's just like, duh, my house, you idiot.
Ryan Rayle (44:14.892)
Estraya (44:21.988)
scheduled at one of those, I just couldn't find anything. But I mean, even better, you know, getting to come to Houston and get out of Austin. It was a great time. And, you know, I get to see some of their family and friends and whatnot. It's a little more intimate. Pretty cool.
Ryan Rayle (44:39.842)
Daniel, did you have anything broken?
Estraya (44:43.264)
No, not this time. has been other crazier parties where we've had like three windows broken and a table. Yeah, like there's stuff like that. There's dining.
Ryan Rayle (44:44.43)
Man. Man.
Ryan Rayle (44:54.988)
Wait, wait, wait. So, so were you playing a show and that happened or you were just having people over and it happened?
Estraya (44:58.938)
No, that was just a big party. That was just a big party. It was like a 200 people party in my house.
Ryan Rayle (45:02.734)
He's like, people just got fucked up and broke shit. Like, that's it.
Estraya (45:08.186)
100 % Yeah, that was like one of those parties where my well it was Andrew's party and he told his friends to invite their friends and to invite their friends and then there was like a hundred people here I didn't know and it was crazy and it was like imagine this whole living room was just filled where you could you had to like go like this to get through yeah I was that's insane that's crazy shoulder to shoulder yeah shoulder to shoulder yeah that's insane and there was like
Ryan Rayle (45:18.904)
Estraya (45:35.918)
three beer pong tables in here and then like four of them outside and they were all going at the same time. It was pretty sick.
Ryan Rayle (45:42.542)
Speaking of beer pong, I think that we're going to have beer pong at the 10 year anniversary upstairs if if yes What you want to add so there so for for people that are new to beer pong or if you're curious how it all works It's really it varies depending on house and table And venue everybody has their own rules comebacks bounces swats all that jazz But the ultimate goal is to take the ping pong cup
Estraya (45:49.154)
Really? That?
Estraya (46:06.734)
Ryan Rayle (46:11.176)
and throw it at the end of the table and it goes in and then, you know, literally wash, rinse, repeat. yep.
Estraya (46:18.776)
Really quick, Ryan, if I may ask, the story behind Kate and the Crushers, dude, tell me, tell me. I know it's a little bit unrelated to us, but I think that's so cool. Like you posted on their story with the little, purely little cat, like at the beginning. And then I'm like, holy shit, these kids are 12 years old. I was like, this must be some sort of, it must be some sort of gimmick. Like they're like having these kids like pretend to be the band. I'm like, no, this is the band. Holy shit.
Ryan Rayle (46:33.582)
Ryan Rayle (46:46.252)
No, no, yes. That's a hard segue from beer pong to 11 year old maestros. But yeah, I'll make that switch. No, so I'm glad. I'm really glad that you mentioned that. I have an interview set up with them here. want to say, I can't remember. We've landed on a date, but we have to kind of figure it out because now there's like a conflict.
Estraya (46:52.474)
I know. Well, I just thought we're playing the show with them. So I was like, you know, we are playing the same show.
Ryan Rayle (47:14.606)
but I might be going to their studio where they practice, but yeah, it's Kate and the crushers. They are a preteen like 10, 11, 12. It's a brother, sister, and a friend. And then dad, Mike is the manager. And I can't remember how I came across him, the, you know, date and time, but I'm 94.7 % sure it was on Instagram, just going through the reels and whatnot.
because they've also played at Come and Take It Live, which is our sponsor. So I just thought that that they would be perfect to open up the 10 year anniversary show because 10 years ago, they either didn't exist or were one years old. Right. Like. And here they are at that age now where they are, you know,
Estraya (48:04.664)
Yeah, it's crazy. That is pretty sick.
Ryan Rayle (48:14.04)
granted a lot of some of their music is covers obviously. I mean, it's just, gotta, you you're not gonna out the gate, just write some animals as leadership. and you know, I mean, which it's possible. I'm sure there's fucking virtuoso out there at the age of 12, just killing it right now. But yeah.
Estraya (48:33.09)
It's really cool, man. I love to see it. Like these, kids just doing the, you know, yeah.
Ryan Rayle (48:40.824)
That's it. Yeah. And I've got, I don't know. Yeah. Here it is.
Ryan Rayle (48:47.278)
Alright. This is my daughter's.
Estraya (48:51.573)
Let's go. Awesome, man.
Ryan Rayle (48:54.786)
So I'm yeah, I'm saving I got this. I cleaned some lady's pool and and she's like, Hey, I've got this guitar in the garage. Do you want it? I was like, yes.
What? What? That's like that's like asking actually that shouldn't go there. Yeah, the answer is yes. I now have a guitar for my daughter and an amp. Slowly but slowly but surely I feel like I will win this war of attrition because I also have another guitar.
Estraya (49:09.582)
Very cool.
Estraya (49:17.54)
That's a come up.
Ryan Rayle (49:32.258)
that was given to me. Just a little key. I don't even know what kind this is. I'm not good at this game. Kramer. It's a Kramer. It's on the neck. But the goal is to have them both restrung and and taken care of by a local luthier or someone doesn't have to be a luthier like an actual person that builds guitars. Shout out Jeremy at Wasteland Guitars.
Estraya (49:59.972)
Someone that knows what they're doing.
Ryan Rayle (50:02.554)
but yeah, just someone that knows their way around a guitar. mean, even a very, very like a, like a guitar tech, right? Like somebody that just knows their way around the shit. but the goal is to have these repurposed, not repurposed, but refinished. And then her and I just learn some music together. But right now I've got her in that zone where she's bringing new music to me and she's like, have you heard about this band or this song? And she now wants to
Estraya (50:27.418)
That's awesome.
Ryan Rayle (50:29.154)
do a father daughter kind of podcast. So she's gone today, but typically whenever I get done podcasting, we just keep the ball rolling and do our own little episode where we show each other new music. And I will be showing her for 11 because I do need to find, I do need to get some like, cause I throw some heavy shit her way. She's
Estraya (50:44.89)
Estraya (50:53.507)
That's beautiful, Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (50:55.122)
is it's it's fun. It's fun. But yeah, I definitely I'll I'll introduce her to you guys next time we do an episode. So it's kind of like it's kind of like a reaction video because we pause here and there and get you know, what do think about this? Or what do think about that? But ultimately, we listen to it's just our way to hang out to find time.
Estraya (51:13.274)
And kids are very candid, so getting that sort of reaction is really fun.
Ryan Rayle (51:18.126)
Yes. Mm hmm. They feel like I'm just waiting for her to come out of nowhere and just be like, yeah, he shouldn't use those samples or, you know, he should try it. He should try a different amp. I can't I can't wait. She knows nothing about that because I know nothing about it. I'm just I'm a ones and zeros guy. Like, does it make me feel good? Does it make me bop my head? Does it make me go?
Estraya (51:28.922)
Estraya (51:34.906)
That's awesome.
Ryan Rayle (51:48.098)
That's interesting. And y'all's music definitely fits in all three of those categories. So I greatly appreciate you guys starting at such a young age of eight and the fact that you brought up Kate and the Crushers and they are starting at such a young age and I'm involving my daughter who is at age 11. So I mean, it all starts somewhere. I started here in this space 10 years ago. So that 31 and I'm still here, you know, rocking and rolling. So
Estraya (52:15.032)
Yeah. Very cool.
Ryan Rayle (52:17.55)
God, man, 10 years ago I was 31. What?
Estraya (52:21.068)
Wow, that's my age, dude. Wild. Hey, listen, you look great.
Ryan Rayle (52:24.782)
I'm so out. No, it's okay. Thank you. Thank you. Kids, don't smoke and moisturize. Also, exercise. Anyway, let's round this out. Let's give the people something to look forward to. So December 7th, you guys are on the bill and I'm really looking forward to it. How many songs are you guys going to kick out? think we got 20 minute sets. Yeah, 20 minute sets.
Estraya (52:34.776)
Estraya (52:51.202)
Yeah, I think we're doing four or five. Four elevens kind of kind of long.
Ryan Rayle (52:56.462)
In this situation, when you really have, because I've always been curious, I know that bands create their sets, especially if they're going on tour, so it's just like, it's the same, da da da da da da da da. When you get to do kind of one-off shows like this, does the set list change? Are you like, well, we could do this or this? Is it scenario-based, the set list sometimes?
Estraya (53:23.156)
Yeah, it's based on like how much time we have because we've done shows that are 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes an hour. So. Yeah, it'll just change depending on that. And then also the order changes sometimes because based on the songs that we're playing, I'm like, I think Party Creep would sound better here at the end. And then sometimes it's better at the beginning just based on what song we're playing. just, yeah, it just depends.
Ryan Rayle (53:32.759)
Estraya (53:52.494)
But yeah, this will be pretty cool because it'll be, think our third show with me as their new vocalist. So still pretty, still pretty fresh, you know, coming out of the gate. Yeah. So that's really cool. Last night was a blast. Like I, I don't know. It just felt so right. Sometimes it takes like a couple to really get it, you know, more dialed in. And yeah, yeah. Even just last night at the house, it was, it was a really good time. So the first show played with Travis was a little bit.
Ryan Rayle (53:58.744)
Dude, let's go.
Estraya (54:22.138)
kind of rough. little bit, yeah.
Ryan Rayle (54:23.47)
I'm sorry, I'm not that's I'm laughing at myself because I've said the same thing like that person whoo
Estraya (54:33.386)
No, yeah, was a lot of it was like the venue. The sound guy was like in his late seventies and
Ryan Rayle (54:40.558)
So not only did he have his hearing aids, he had in-ear monitors with his hearing aids.
Estraya (54:44.91)
Dude, it was, yeah, so he would just crank it up and people are like, my God, I'm like, I'm gonna fucking lose my hearing, yeah. My brother said that actually at one of the shows he went to, he couldn't walk so they had to carry him to the soundboard.
Ryan Rayle (54:51.288)
just all the gain, all the 4k to the top. Man.
Ryan Rayle (55:03.278)
Okay, whoever that sound guy is, hey, thank you for all of your years of dedication to the scene. Pass the fucking torch, my guy, okay? Like, let's get some new blood in there. Speaking of new blood...
Estraya (55:08.922)
Hey, bro.
Estraya (55:16.734)
Right. he's been for 30 years. He is a cool guy. He was wearing vans too. I was like, damn, okay. He's a nice guy.
Ryan Rayle (55:23.458)
Hey, all right. I'll give you some points. Give you some points, but come on. It's like politicians. There's an age when you should stop running for office. But the good news is, ladies and gentlemen, on December 7th, you'll get to see these guys play, the sound is going to be, chef's kiss, it's going to be so good.
Estraya (55:28.154)
Estraya (55:31.885)
Yeah, man, I
I couldn't agree more. Yeah, pass the torch, my god. It's time.
Ryan Rayle (55:51.086)
Cause we're going to have our boy Taylor Anderson from Titan Audio running the soundboard. it's going to be, it's going to be a fun time. I'm super excited. again, all of the bands that I've picked for this 10 year anniversary are on the bill for a reason. And, and I try to just explain it on every episode. Like I've done with the past two. the reason that I wanted to get you guys in the mix is a, your sound is different from all the rest. It's, it's in.
it specifically fits a genre like it fits a need, right? Like you can hear your music compared to everyone else and it stands out, right? Everyone's song, everyone's music does that in this lineup, I think. And that's the point is to show is literally to showcase the wide range of diversity of Texas talent, whether it's in Houston, Austin, DFW, San Antonio, doesn't matter. Yeah.
Estraya (56:48.442)
That's really cool. I gotta commend you on that as well as far as just being more so open-minded and let's like, absolutely. Yeah, I've noticed in Austin in particular, we've kind of ran into some like obstacles as far as getting us booked to places. Yeah, it might just be the scene here in Austin, know, it doesn't cater as much to, you know, I guess, I don't know, heavier music or whatever.
Ryan Rayle (56:55.531)
thanks, man.
Estraya (57:17.394)
but, no, think it's really, I think it's really cool that, yeah. you're just like, Hey, let's, if I, if I vibe with it, then let's get it going. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (57:24.846)
Yeah. And that's, that's the, here's the secret. That's the best part. I, since I run the podcast, I kind of, kind of get to do what I want. but now like I'm looking up at one of the, the show that I threw on December 6th, in 2019, I have all the flyers, framed and on the wall. You guys remind me of a band called an author and a poet. You ever heard of them?
Estraya (57:35.933)
That's all.
Estraya (57:53.206)
Interesting. I'll have to check it out.
Ryan Rayle (57:56.293)
Son, y'all are it's I'm telling you, as soon as you hit when this is over, just to actually I have I have the power where the phone. I'll play for you right now. I will play it for you right now. We will end. Dude, side note, Frank needs help. I can't believe that really came through the way that it did. Jesus Christ. And that's that was in 2019. That wasn't like a cut from last week. There's a whole ass album from 2019.
Estraya (58:14.548)
That was awesome.
Ryan Rayle (58:25.154)
Based off of the song or word relevance. Man, how relevant. Let's see.
Estraya (58:29.204)
So cool. Holy cow. And you know how fortuitous.
Ryan Rayle (58:40.334)
Can't wait to look that band up.
Estraya (58:43.546)
Yeah, or two it is. That's crazy.
Ryan Rayle (58:47.598)
Alright, here we go. So one of my favorite songs, I'm gonna see if I can pump this through the channels in the backside, but it's called Monster by an author and a poet. But... come on. Play the fucking track!
Ryan Rayle (59:22.158)
I'll let that play in the background a little bit, but God damn, that was a fun time. That was a really fun time. And also on that show was an instrumental band called AM Feel Good. Then we had the party rock boys in Chernobyl, The Secret. Then we had Deathcore Snakefather. We had all kinds of craziness with our band, with our homies in designs.
Estraya (59:28.474)
Ryan Rayle (59:48.75)
from Graves and then To Whom It May, which is also from Houston. Shout out to Whom It May. It ranges. And because when you go to a show, you go to a show to see a show. Like you don't go to a show to hear the same fucking sounds over and over and over and over again. Sorry, black metal fans, but.
Estraya (01:00:12.76)
Ha ha ha.
Ryan Rayle (01:00:15.498)
nine minute songs that are the, you know, kind of the same, but you know what? Hey, yeah, man. But, but no, I'm, really happy to have you guys on. Plus you're new to me and I feel like you guys are new to the Austin market. And I've, and if, if I fuck with it, there's gotta be at least another hundred to thousand people that like your, that could like that too. So if I could have any way
Estraya (01:00:18.99)
They got us straight. They got us straight there. That's okay.
Ryan Rayle (01:00:42.784)
in helping you guys gain some new fans here and show up more, that would be great. That's because that's the point, right? Just support your local music at any cost. Well, not at any cost. OK, there's there's a there's a limit. Right. But but support your local music and artists as well as you can. So with all that said, again, thank you guys very much for spending for like it was worth it.
Estraya (01:00:47.482)
Estraya (01:00:52.89)
I was gonna say.
Ryan Rayle (01:01:12.108)
It was so worth it. An hour of struggle. Just the struggle bus pulled up and was like, we're fucking parking here for a little bit.
Estraya (01:01:14.138)
Yeah, all that trouble in the beginning.
Estraya (01:01:21.413)
man, that's child's play, you know? It's no big deal.
Ryan Rayle (01:01:23.446)
Yeah. For everybody. So for those that are new to your band, what are all the at's where they can find you and how can they support you the best?
Estraya (01:01:35.994)
Just listen to our music everywhere. It should be everywhere YouTube Apple music every streaming platform I think a good I mean everyone has insta so it's at a Estraya band so est are a YA a Straya band So definitely go there and then we've got the links in the bio for the laser in there with that all our stuff
Ryan Rayle (01:01:59.326)
real quick, just because I had this question. Does your band is Spanish for star? there, mean, or let's get, I can't believe I missed this easy layup of a question in the beginning, band name. Where does that come from?
Estraya (01:02:12.63)
A band name.
Estraya (01:02:18.902)
So, I don't know, honestly, it does mean star in Spanish, if you say it, but it's not spelled that way. It's supposed to be spelled with two L's. Yep, clean. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, basically, you just swap out the two L's for a Y and there you go. I just liked how it sounded being pronounced like...
Ryan Rayle (01:02:25.462)
Right. Yeah, yes, yes, no, and I saw the shirt too. I'm over here like, I got to get that shirt.
Estraya (01:02:46.646)
in a non-Spanish speaker way, Estraya.
Ryan Rayle (01:02:48.738)
Yeah, it was, it's white. It's white people. It's white people. Lang. It's a stray, astray. Is that what, is that what your band is? As straight as straight here. You got it.
Estraya (01:02:52.045)
Yeah. That's what I wanted it to be called. It's got to be marketable too, like not super, not too common. Like if you look, if you were to type, you know, the regular spelling in on Google, you're going to have a hard time finding it. So hands come up actually. I tried it. That's what happened.
Ryan Rayle (01:03:09.418)
Ryan Rayle (01:03:17.195)
Yeah, I mean, a lot of it starts, you just kind of, you know, punch it, punch it into the search engine and just be like, you know, what comes up, right? I mean, I've had I've had bands say they just went to the dictionary or the thesaurus. They were like, this is the band. This is what we want to be. But what's another way to say that? that's fucking cool. All right.
Estraya (01:03:35.49)
Well, the funny thing is, another fun fact is, mean, the whole band aside from I'm the only white boy, but they're all pretty much Hispanic. But yeah, so it also makes sense in that way too. Yeah, yeah, mean, yeah, they're, you know, they're all Hispanic. So I think it's got a good meaning there. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (01:04:00.226)
Well, at least we'll know you're going to be well fed and it's going to be spicy. I would love to be at whatever house party is thrown next, because I know there's going to be food. sign me up.
Estraya (01:04:03.51)
my... Dude, you're telling me,
Estraya (01:04:10.342)
Yeah. my God. Yeah. Plenty of carne asada. Yeah. Every time I'm here, there's always good food going on for sure.
Ryan Rayle (01:04:20.366)
Well, speaking of house party guys, I got a jet. I got to go to some Halloween party with my wife. We're in competition tonight for best dressed. I currently have absolutely fuck all of an outfit. So I have to go find one in about two hours.
Estraya (01:04:36.278)
Hey, best of luck, man. You know, if you got to knock some kids over at Spirit Halloween, it's time is of the essence, you know, you got to get going.
Ryan Rayle (01:04:40.982)
I will. I'm not, I am not, I am not below that.
Ryan Rayle (01:04:47.994)
If I see some 11 year old walking away with an outfit piece that's going to complete my ensemble, best believe he ain't walking out with it. Like I will tackle.
Estraya (01:04:55.736)
Yeah, I'm sorry, Kate. Kate, didn't mean it. Kate with an A. I'm so sorry.
Ryan Rayle (01:05:01.016)
Hey, you want this candy? No, can't. No, that's sorry. That's wrong. Yeah, best part of the anyway. Anyway, thank you guys so, so much. I look forward to you guys just just showing everybody what you can do and introducing you and introducing your sound and your vibe to to a crowd that probably has never seen you play before.
Estraya (01:05:08.724)
We'll edit that part out.
Ryan Rayle (01:05:28.463)
What I would like to do, you're in Austin, correct? You're the only one in Austin?
Estraya (01:05:34.05)
I'm the only one in the Austin area, but we make it work.
Ryan Rayle (01:05:39.308)
No, that's that's I mean, with today's and with today's day and age, you literally can be anywhere and be in a band. You know what I mean? Like that's that's what's really cool is that you can share ideas, but getting people in the same space at the same time to see everybody play. That's the hard part. And that's why I would like I'll talk to you off offline. But basically, I want to try and promote your music on campus. And the fact that you guys have the Rio market like you've already done that.
Estraya (01:05:46.095)
Estraya (01:05:55.962)
Estraya (01:06:07.395)
Ryan Rayle (01:06:09.198)
It just, helps with the correlation of who's this, you know what I mean?
Estraya (01:06:12.216)
That's absolutely, that's where we're trying to branch out a little bit more as, know, yeah, kind of like, know in Austin, know like the like shoegaze and indie music is big, but like, we're trying to bring, you know, we're a type of band that I feel like we literally could be on a bill with virtually any band, you know, so we're kind of open to, you know, just expanding more and opening, opening people's minds a little bit more. But yeah.
Ryan Rayle (01:06:31.81)
Estraya (01:06:41.56)
And we're kind of, we're very new still, pretty much. But we have played a good amount of shows here in Houston. We've played with a Marionette and like Dwellings and Andress and those bands. Some bigger names in the. In the post hardcore scenes. Yeah. We've been very lucky to play with bands like that. But we haven't really, our biggest issue is that we haven't really put a lot of music out. And that's because we've been going through band members like crazy.
Ryan Rayle (01:06:41.816)
Let's do it.
Estraya (01:07:09.624)
We're on like guitarist number five and vocalist number five.
Ryan Rayle (01:07:14.456)
I'm telling you right now, that's just a part of the business. Like I mentioned, my homie John that pretty much runs Snakefather, that dude has been through more band members than I think I have vinyls. I mean, and it's a lot. And like, no, that's not a slight John and his craft, but I mean, it's just, it is what it is. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
Estraya (01:07:18.701)
Ryan Rayle (01:07:43.642)
And at the end of the day, if the passion to still create music is there, then you'll find not only a way, but other people to help you, you know, get there. And you'll be helping them on their journey as well. regardless of member lineup changes that happens, it's just accept it, move on, you know?
Estraya (01:07:53.942)
Estraya (01:08:04.046)
And some of the people that have left us have gone on to other bands and they're doing well also. So it's just, that's just how it goes sometimes. They, didn't fit in the five. Yeah, I'm the five too. But, as long as our core stays the same, feel like we'll be solid. But my and my childhood friend, as long as we're, we, but this lineup we have right now, I think is, this is the one, I this is the strongest we've been and we all meshed together really well.
Ryan Rayle (01:08:11.51)
Hey, maybe maybe you're the farm team, right?
Ryan Rayle (01:08:29.187)
Estraya (01:08:32.897)
and work well together, so I think this is like... Yeah, like even their new guitarist, I had a chance to go play with him out of his... He does kind of a little bit of the producer stuff, so I can go track demos with him and whatnot, and I fuck with him heavy, you know? I don't know if I'm allowed to curse on this, but that's a little... very lame for that. I don't know why...
Ryan Rayle (01:08:51.745)
Yes. Yes.
Hey, that's the if that's the I'm telling you right now, you might have just set a record for first F bomb latest in podcasts. That the minute our nine mark. Congratulations.
Estraya (01:09:04.835)
Very end. Yeah, I definitely dropped a bunch prior to that, but yeah, But yeah, no even though like their newest member Jonathan he's he's awesome, you know, he he can play like blues and jazz and yeah, and I
Ryan Rayle (01:09:24.871)
Music theory is something we need.
Estraya (01:09:28.022)
Yeah, Danny's more unorthodox, which I like both, you know, it's like, yeah, it's a cool combination. We got the more unorthodox self-trained guy and then we got the music theory guy. So very cool. A lot of cool stuff going on. But hey, we'll let you get your costume. Check out 411 by Estraya on all streaming platforms available yesterday. So go check it out now, right now.
Ryan Rayle (01:09:53.774)
That's the other thing. Actually, speaking of that, I wanted to ask one last... I know we mentioned it. Is it just Estraya, E-S-T-R-A-Y-A on all the socials, or is it like official, TX, banned? There you go. Okay. So, that's what it was. Who is... Wait, wait. Come on, camera. Do the thing.
Estraya (01:10:11.762)
Estraya band.
Ryan Rayle (01:10:22.882)
do the thing anyway I was trying to show the cover photo. Yeah there we go it's the lighting it's the lighting I'll throw this photo away who's that on the cover and does the person on the cover have anything to do with the song that's what it was.
Estraya (01:10:26.542)
Move it back a little bit more. Okay. That's close enough. Close enough. Listen to this song. Yeah.
Estraya (01:10:39.619)
It's about... yeah, it's about... It's just, yeah, she's the model, but she represents, you know, what the song means.
Ryan Rayle (01:10:41.237)
It's just like,
Ryan Rayle (01:10:51.916)
Okay, woof.
Man, was that was like, because that was I was like, this is a deep question. Because if the if the song and the person on the cover have anything to do with each other, then OK. But anyway, sorry, I just had to that question for I got out of here. So just a representation of the song. Got it.
Estraya (01:11:01.242)
Estraya (01:11:12.228)
All good.
Yeah, well, yeah, but it was just pieces. I like separated the pieces of the eyes. I did the art by the way, but I separated. Thanks.
Ryan Rayle (01:11:22.39)
It's really rad. like it. It's almost it's like different contrasts and then like, you know, I really can't tell what's behind her, but I can kind of make some stuff out. So it leads to like imagination kind of stuff. But yeah, it's really it's really good coloring.
Estraya (01:11:28.408)
Estraya (01:11:35.482)
Yeah. It's like a party. It's like a party in the background. Yeah. I just wanted to send like every girl and that's why I like the pieces of her, different pieces. So. 411 could actually, you know, it could be any, any, any girl in the situation. That's what I was trying to go for.
Ryan Rayle (01:11:39.551)
Mm-hmm. yeah.
Ryan Rayle (01:11:55.458)
Where can people find the lyrics? Are they available online?
Estraya (01:11:59.67)
I'll add we're gonna add them later. They will be there. They will be very soon. Yeah
Ryan Rayle (01:12:02.336)
Okay. Okay.
Okay. Well, gentlemen, thank you very much. I'm going to go get dressed and get my scare on and work on Bloody Mary number three of the day. I wish the best for you guys. I'm so excited to have you guys on the show. Thank you very much for even entertaining that idea and coming all the way from Houston. Maybe you guys can tag team with Godhand and like, I don't know, like get a big ass bus road trip it, you know.
Estraya (01:12:28.767)
That would be wild, that would be insane.
Ryan Rayle (01:12:33.774)
Dude, the fact that your music, Estraya and God Hand are like from Houston, but on the same bill in Austin, Texas, just goes to show you that like, Texas music is still alive. We're still here. We're still doing things and, and I'm fucking pumped. And if, you want to come to the show, hit me up. I've got tickets on the low, the dirty low. mean, God damn $15 for 10 bands. Come on.
Estraya (01:12:46.138)
That is it.
Ryan Rayle (01:13:03.8)
Come on. Anyway, I've had fun. Excuse me. I've had a... Yeah, me too. Yeah, yeah. Everything is amazing. Everything is great.
Estraya (01:13:04.942)
No excuses.
We had a good time, man. I'm glad we got this figured out. Could you hear us? Can you hear us okay? Okay. All right. Great. Great. We're happy to hear that. figured it out. Yeah. Hey, Ryan, man. Pleasure, dude, meeting you virtually. Yeah.
Ryan Rayle (01:13:25.602)
Yeah, dude. Thank you guys very much. Any any final any final shout outs before I hit the stop button? Anybody you want to say thank you very much to?
Estraya (01:13:35.29)
Shouts out for putting us on the show, Come and Take It. I love that venue. I've seen some of my favorite bands play there. So I played there once before and I love Come and Take It. So I'll give you a quick shout out on that. We're super hyped. So.
Ryan Rayle (01:13:51.832)
Thanks. Danny, what about you,
Estraya (01:13:55.596)
Uhhh... I don't know. Thanks to my cat.
Ryan Rayle (01:13:58.104)
You're on the spot. You're on the spot. Hey, tell your tell your tell your brother and your childhood friend. Thank you for keeping keeping this band going. I mean, I know it's not just them. It's it's it's a whole team effort, but I appreciate the music. I I appreciate that this music exists. So for me to you, thank you guys very much.
Estraya (01:14:08.794)
Yeah. It's a whole team effort. Yeah. Yeah, thanks to everybody in the band.
Estraya (01:14:19.884)
Absolutely. It's really cool, man. Like I have childhood friends from sixth grade. I just saw that as such a green flag that they've been this tight knit little community just doing the thing for over a decade. So it's really, really cool.
Ryan Rayle (01:14:35.662)
I do know about doing things for a decade. I've got a couple under my belt. But anyway, I'll talk to you guys later. If you can real quick, just stick around for about maybe one minute after everything stops so it can do all the uploading and all that. other than that, man, thank you guys very much and see you December 7th.
Estraya (01:14:55.844)